Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Brain and Learning, Information Processing Theory

The assignment this week was to find a website  and/or online journal and write a blog that cites this week’s topics, the first topic is the brain and learning; and the web site I found is This website talks about how “the learning theory of brain-based,  is based on the structure and function of the brain; and as long as the brain is not prohibited from fulfilling its normal processes, learning will occur.” This article  talk about how everyone does learn, but how sometimes traditional schooling can inhibits learning by discouraging, ignoring, or punishing the brain’s natural learning processes. This article also talks about the core principles of brain-based learning; such as, each person’s brain is unique, how we understand best when facts are embedded in natural, spatial memory, learning involves both conscious and unconscious processes, and how learning involves both focused attention and peripheral perception, this is just a few of the core principles. I believe that this resource is valuable because, this information is a good way to teach students so that they learn by doing or participating in real events instead of by being lectured to.
The second topic is information processing theory; and problem-solving methods during the learning process the web-sites I choose are is to acquire knowledge or skill. Learning also may involve a change in attitude or behavior. Children learn to identify objects at an early age; teenagers may learn to improve study habits; and adults can learn to solve complex problems. Pilots and aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) need to acquire the higher levels of knowledge and skill, including the ability to exercise judgment and solve problems. The challenge for the aviation instructor is to understand how people learn, and more importantly, to be able to apply that knowledge to the learning environment. This is designed as a basic guide to educational psychology. This chapter also addresses that branch of psychology directly concerned with how people learn such as    learning problems= behavior problems and cognitive behaviors In the problem-solving methods is simple in this website explain why effective problem-solving skills is the ability to transfer reasoning strategies to new problems. Although research on the influence of PBL on strategy transfer is limited, it does provide some evidence that students in PBL learn problem-solving and reasoning strategies that are transferable to new problems (Hmelo-Silver, 2004)" (Hsiuwei, 2007).

Hsiuwei. (2007, April 22). Problem-based learning. Knowledge Base of Instructional Design Theories and Models.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fitting the Pieces Together

•Now that you have a deeper understanding of the different learning theories and learning styles, how has your view on how you learn changed?
I believe that my view of how I learn has changed a lot especially after going through this class and never seem of heard of some of these new technology.  Now that I’ve  completed seven weeks of the class, I have found out that I am not only a visual learner , but I am also able to learn from a more uncongenial way such as, learning by observing, learning by doing work over, learning with the use of technology, and through social learning. I have learned t that I am able to learn through many different ways. Today, I understand that the use of internet is very useful. I typically use to learn thru visual and hands on only but now I am able to learn through recorded lectures, computers, social media, visualization of videos, and through feedback from my instructors.
•What have you learned about the various learning theories and learning styles over the past weeks that can further explain your own personal learning preferences?
Some of the things that I have learned about the various learning theories and learning styles over the past weeks is that each and every theory works with each other and that explain my own personal learning style. I now realize that there are many differences in each theories and the learning styles, has many definitive questions for each learning theory, such as, the behaviorist theory. One question asked is “how does learning occur?” With this type of learning theory, learning occurs through rewards and punishments. Another question is “what factors influence learning?” The factors that influence learning through the behaviorist theory are influence and control of the external environment, rather than internal thought. Another question is what is the role of memory in the behaviorist theory? The role of memory in the behaviorist theory deals with conditioning and not memory. It also uses observation and measurements. I have learned something unique about each learning theories in the class.
•What role does technology play in your learning?
The role that technology plays in my learning is that it is easier to locate information I need for my class work. I am able to research online and find what I need, and I am able to research all my class work through the online Walden library as well as through the use of various websites on the internet. What I’m most proud of is that, I was able to create blogs with the use of the internet. Technology is very important in all aspects of what we do now. If we didn’t have technology such as computers, I wouldn’t be able to take online course.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Reflection of my Connection

How has your network changed the you learn?

 It has been frustrating for me at times because I was unable to convert mind mapping to into blogging last Wednesday. - I managed to listen to the video but still wasn’t able to complete the task.  Over the last few weeks I have had difficulty focusing on my assignments, due to health problems. Hopefully I’m on the right track and learn how to move with new technology.  After reading this assignment, I realized that I have a long way to go keeping up new a fast technology but I believe I can master it one day.

It’s funny before this class I have relied entirely on the computer and the online  library is a great resources  Instead of live chats, we used  discussions  board that allow us more flexibility on when we have to sit down at the computer.  I feel this gives me more time to prepare what I want to say instead of trying to type a reply quickly so that my response appears before someone goes onto another topic.  I have also learned to use others sources to communicate such as blogging mind mapping and the resources since this class.

Which digital tools best facilitate learning for you?

The best digital tools best facilitate my learning is through the internet resources and researching topics that are interesting and blog. Sometime I do this for my personal interest but my main resources come from the online resources. I also like to interact with my classmates on the discussion board.

How do you gain new knowledge when you have question?

When I have questions, I normally look on the internet or I ask my instructor for understanding. I use my person email, blog, face book, and I love to read so I look for answers there.

In what ways does your personal learning network support or refute the central tenets of connectivism?

My personal learning network that supports connectivism is a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's (Salomon, 2001).  The social networking allows each person to find what is happening across the world. I believe this is the best way to have connectivism across the board.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New sites in instructional design

Instruction sites and designs

In the instructional design sites and organizations there many options to choose from. The blogging is new to me and I figure things out as I go.  The problem I have with these is finding a way to blog without created different accounts. I believe it can be simplified and made to be user friendly. . These instructional design sites and organizations offer students, researchers, and working professionals with many instructional design and performance related resources and information. Among the many resources include instructional design related publications, magazines, conferences, webinars, podcasts, video casts, certifications, and job banks. This site give me a clearer insight of how to blog and present your thoughts. The
the eLearning Guild is a community of practice for designers, developers, and managers of e-Learning. The eLearning Guild offers three types of membership: Associate (free), Member Plus, and Premium Member. The Associate member receives access to the Learning Solutions magazine, Guild Research, discussion boards, job boards, among others. The eLearning Guild offers the eLearning Community multiple online forums and conferences throughout the year. The conferences and forums are focused on the management, design, and development of eLearning. The eLearning Guild provides the eLearning community with excellent 360 degree research studies on various subjects such as learning management systems, instructional design and eLearning salary report, mobile learning, measuring learning, simulations and more. The other sites that my classmates presented was helpful and (Carol Besco )

I selected the RSS feed aggregator Inkline Global.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tecnology design process

Instructional design is the systematic process of designing education and training courses from start to finish. The instruction might be delivered through preservice education classes, inservice training courses, on-the-job training, computer-assisted learning or by means of distance or open learning.

Instructional design (also known as instructional systems design or ISD) is the systematic development of instruction using adult learning and design theories and techniques. While many trainers and instructors focus on the delivery of content, instructional design is concerned with what occurs before, during and after the actual learning event. This systematic approach ensures that:
  • there is a need for training,
  • the learning events are well-designed,
  • quality training materials are developed,
  • learning events are implemented using appropriate strategies or approaches, and
  • learning events are evaluated to ensure that learning has taken place.
The instructional design process is illustrated in  Following this process, the instructional designer incorporates the principles of adult learning and clinical training to develop highly interactive, participant-centered learning events.
The individual responsible for designing a training event is referred to as an instructional designer. In some cases this individual may be an advanced or master trainer who also has acquired instructional design skills so that s/he is able to design, deliver and evaluate training. In other cases, the designer may not possess reproductive health knowledge and skills. In this case, it is critical that the designer work with a reproductive health subject matter expert to ensure that the design isrealistic and will meet the identified needs. In either case, a team approach (e.g., instructional designer, clinical trainer, training support staff) to course design is often the most effective.


The analysis phase provides the information needed to carry out all other phases of the instructional design process. The purpose of this phase is to identify barriers or constraints to quality family planning service delivery, define the problem(s), identify the cause of the problem(s) and determine possible solutions. Solutions may require inservice training of service providers or changes to the preservice education system. There also may be non-training solutions. For example, problems and solutions may relate to the physical infrastructure of service delivery points, contraceptive logistics, staffing patterns or management and supervisory systems. Common analysis techniques include needs assessments and, when it is a problem correctable through training, instructional content analysis.

The design phase uses the results of the analysis phase to create the structure of the course. The instructional designer will develop the course syllabus, write course objectives and create the course outline and schedule. These documents serve as a map for the delivery of training.
It is critical that the instructional designer be very familiar with effective classroom and clinical training skills if s/he is going to be able to design interactive, participatory, competency-based courses. training.


The focus of the development phase is on generating the course documents and materials used by faculty, trainers and participants during the delivery of the course as designed.


The implementation phase of the instructional design process refers to the actual delivery of the instruction as designed. Instruction could take place in a group-based inservice training course for family planning service providers, within the curriculum of a nursing or midwifery school or in an on-the-job training program.


The evaluation phase refers to the systematic collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of data to determine whether education or training has met its objectives.  Types of evaluation include participant reaction, participant learning, on-the-job performance and effect of training.